8 At Home Date Night Ideas In An Arctic Cabins BBQ Hut

Posted by Olivia Vernon on Jan 17, 2025 4:21:29 PM
Olivia Vernon

Valentines day date night ideas

During the colder months, all we want to do is curl up beside the roaring fire in an Arctic Cabin and with Valentine’s day coming up, we are sure that there are plenty of BBQ cabin owners planning on spending the most romantic day of the year cosying up with their significant other in their cabin!

But how can you make this Valentine’s day memorable, especially without breaking the bank? If you’re stuck for ideas, we’ve come up with our top 8 Arctic Cabin date ideas! These are great inspiration for whether you’re celebrating Valentines with your partner or Palentines/Galentines with your besties! 

8 At Home Date Night Ideas In An Arctic Cabins BBQ Hut

date night ideas


Cocktail/Mocktail making

Grab your favourite spirits, liquors and mixers and get creative with some cocktails! If you enjoyed Dry January and want to take your no/low alcohol habit further into the year, or maybe booze just isn’t your thing - there are plenty of mocktails that you can craft in your Arctic Cabin too! Re-create your favourite drinks or try coming up with something new together and get those cosy, or lively cocktail party vibes started!

You could also create plenty of cosy hot drinks like mulled wine and hot chocolate on the central BBQ grill- perfect for in the cooler winter months!

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Games night

If you’re worried about space in your Arctic Cabin for hosting a games night, worry not, as we have a handy wooden BBQ grill cover that protects your central cooking station and anything you put on top. Try out a new board game that you’ve been curious about, or bring out the classics. Or if video games are more your thing, set up a TV or projector in your BBQ hut and enjoy a bit of friendly competition or a fun cooperative game!

valentines date night table set up inside a bbq hut

Movie night

Create a cosy cinema in your Arctic Cabin by bringing in a TV or using a mini projector! Good quality mini projectors can be purchased online and fit all sorts of budgets, all you need now is a white sheet to hang up and you’ve got yourself a DIY home cinema cabin! Cuddle up with a classic rom-com or enjoy the latest top film all from the comfort of your BBQ cabin. The cooker hood height can be adjusted too, so there’s no need to worry about movie viewing angles! Grab some popcorn (made on your BBQ of course), some drinks and settle in for an entertaining evening!

Dinner date

When spending your date night in an Arctic Cabin, you’re in the perfect place for cosy cooking! Cook your favourite comfort food on the central BBQ grill or get creative and make a new dish that you’ve been meaning to try- we have some recipe ideas if you need some inspiration. After dinner you can enjoy a campfire classic of toasting some marshmallows over an open fire, maybe even with a hot chocolate! What’s even better is that once you’re done, you won’t have to worry about tidying a messy kitchen late at night or early the next day before work! Obviously don’t leave your cabin in a mess, but by having a separate escape from your daily living space it can help relieve the stress of having a messy house after hosting.

dinner date ideas


Speaking of chocolate, a fondue is the perfect sharing dessert to enjoy on a date night in your Arctic Cabin! After the central fire has settled down, grab a heatproof dish and place that carefully on the central BBQ grill. Get some chocolate, dipping utensils and some tasty treats to dip into the delicious melted chocolate! Fresh strawberries are a classic but bananas, grapes, marshmallows and biscuits are also delicious options.

If you don’t have a sweet tooth, a great savoury option would be to share a cheese fondue! (we recommend using camembert!) Made in the same way you would for the chocolate fondue, you can dip delicious snacks like bread, crackers, fruits, vegetables & cured meats into your melted cheese for a cosy, savoury alternative. 

arctic bar the love shack

Arts & crafts date night

If you have some art supplies lying around the house, a painting or sketching date night would be an excellent idea to use up old supplies or engage in a new skill. Add some of your favourite beverages into the mix and enjoy a night of portrait painting or try recreate your favourite photo from your time together!

If you aren’t into painting but enjoy other crafts, you could do a skill swap date night where you can teach one another your favourite crafty hobby, or purchase a craft kit so you can both learn a new skill. This is also a great idea for Palentines/Galentines dates where there is a larger group of people.

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Similarly to hosting a crafty date night, you could have a scrapbooking session and record your memories together in a creative way. If you or your partner are the type to keep receipts from dinner dates or every ticket from train journeys together, this is a great way to bring new life to your collected memory pieces rather than keeping them shut away in a drawer.

If you’re not the creative types, making a photo album together would be a good alternative. Print off your favourite photos of your time together and organise them in a photo album and enjoy reminiscing about your adventures!

arctic cabin in floral garden

Pizza night

Homemade pizza always feels special and this idea was inspired by seeing what some of our fabulous Arctic Cabins owners have cooked up in their cabins! We can always count on you guys to get creative!

Small BBQ pizza ovens can be found online or in shops during the summer months and a simple pizza dough is inexpensive to make (or if you’re short on time you can purchase a pizza base). Grab your favourite pizza toppings and sauces and enjoy an evening of fun pizza making and, of course, eating! Combine this idea with our previous date night suggestions of drinks making and watching a film and you’ve got the ultimate date sorted!

We hope we’ve inspired you to get creative with your home date night ideas! If you’ve read this far and are curious about these BBQ log cabins that we keep mentioning, take a look at our amazing range of log cabins inspired by traditional Scandinavian grillkota. You can request a FREE copy of our brochure or contact our sales team to get your garden project started!

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Topics: BBQ Cabins, Arctic Cabins, Log Cabins, family getaway

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