Top 10 Uses Of An Outdoor Cabin

Posted by Victoria Parkinson on Jan 9, 2023 7:30:00 PM

If you're in the process of buying a cabin, you’re probably wondering what the best use for it is?

As one of the largest sellers of outdoor cabins in the UK, you're absolutely in the right spot! We have sold thousands of our Arctic Cabins to just as many satisfied customers, and here's what we think are the top 10 uses for a cabin in 2023 (based on feedback from our customers):

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Topics: BBQ Cabins, Arctic Cabins, Uses

The Zen Den: How A Scandi Hut Creates Space Just For You

Posted by Victoria Parkinson on Sep 1, 2022 3:01:00 PM

Everything that you get from an Arctic Cabin – the Perfect Scandi Hut.

Scandi is very much in. Whether we are talking about country style Gustavian interiors from Sweden, the Scandinavian mid century classic designs of the Modernist movement or the Danish passion for Hygge, we can't seem to get enough of it. And our Finnish roots are very much steeped in the rich history of 'Scandi' before it was even a thing. Read our blog to find out more...

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Topics: BBQ Cabins, Arctic Cabins, Uses, Garden Bar

A-Z of Uses for an Arctic Cabin - Your Unique Perfect Escape

Posted by Victoria Parkinson on Aug 20, 2022 9:16:00 AM

Adaptability is what makes an Arctic Cabin so versatile.

While each Arctic Cabin leaves us the same, it's the life that you give it - what you do in yours, that sets each one apart. Our Arctic Cabins lead many varied lives - the extra space is used for lots of different purposes by our customers. Check out the A-Z of Arctic Cabin uses...

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Topics: BBQ Cabins, Arctic Cabins, Timber Buildings, Uses, Garden Bar

The Perfect Escape In Your Man Cave Garden Bar

Posted by Victoria Parkinson on May 10, 2022 11:25:00 AM

Arctic Bars really do make the most memorable setting for a night in with the lads...

...from the unique sloping walls to recline into after a few beers, to the central grill where you can really get in touch with your inner on to find out more.

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Topics: BBQ Cabins, Arctic Cabins, Timber Buildings, Uses, Garden Bar

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